Thursday, 23 February 2012

1902: Introduction

From the children's illustrations of Iljunfant Fotografu (Elephant the photographer).

Well! This is my first time that I'm writing on a blog, but I'll pretend that it is a blank canvas that I have to fill with creative ideas, thoughts, imagination and a world of fantasy that comes out of my mind, blop! onto this blog. I think it's best to explain what I've been doing long before I started writing here. What best describes me is illustration. I draw for children's books. These books will be used for stage readers aged from seven to nine years. It is a great challenge as I have to deal with time and with my Degree, as I'm reading for a B.A in Fine Arts. (Of course,) we start an assignment, finish, and start with another one. We basically don't have enough time for some pastime, however I try to make a pastime out of my assignments as this is a course that I've always been dreaming of doing (and finishing!).

Because I like illustration, I decided to specialise and study illustration and its history. This, I'll be doing in my dissertation. Despite the fact that all my assignments are different (digital, traditional and professional practice), I'm trying to use illustration as best as I can also to help in my thesis. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! I hope we read more about your thesis work and the illustrations that you're publishing for children! Can't wait to read another blog:-)
