Artist Statement

I talk, I play, I reflect, I travel in time…through art.  My art features different aspects of my personality and the world from my perspective. I feel nostalgia whenever I look at the ever-increasing development of contemporary society and therefore I use my art as a time machine to visit times and styles long past, but whose magic and prestige haven’t died. I explore these themes, usually linked with Maltese history and culture, mainly through painting and illustration, but also through photography. Apart from vintage themes, I like to delve into the issue of personal identity through portraiture. I don’t think of myself as depicting lifeless subjects, but individuals with an identity. The style with which I portray faces makes the eyes the central feature in my artwork, exposing the depicted individual’s soul, and many times, mine too.

My paintings are reminiscent of early 21st century neo-expressionism, usually rendered in ink or acrylics. My colour palette is usually colourful, but I thoroughly enjoy painting in monochrome. My illustration style is influenced by contemporary children’s book illustrations, depicted in ink and water colours. The illustrations are often very playful and express my child within.

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